Weigh In Wednesday (2)
Weigh In Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Lauren over at Epilogue.
This weeks topic: Novellas vs. Anthologies
Hmm, for me this is really tough. Mostly, because I don't really read either usually. That's not to say I wouldn't, I just don't have that much experience. I suppose I would have to go with novellas because they usually continue a story that I'm already familiar with. If I really love a series, I will definitely read a novella associated with it. I've never been into short stories so anthologies don't usually appeal to me unless the topic is crazy interesting. One anthology I have been dying to read though is Enthralled , mostly because I love some of the authors that have contributed. Let me know which you prefer and make sure to sign up for WIW over at Epilogue.
I don't usually do either. I need character connections and I can't get that from short stories.