Since I'm currently on hiatus due to school, I am not accepting review requests at this time. I will update this page when I'm back and let you know when I'm accepting again.
If you have written a young adult novel and would like some honest feedback I would be happy to review it for you, provided that I am able to fit your book into my blog schedule and that it grabs my interest. I prefer to read dystopian, fantasy, historical, romance, drama and paranormal but I am certainly open to reviewing other genres as well.
I prefer print copies but digital copies may be accepted also.
Please keep in mind that I will be honest in my review regardless of whether or not I enjoyed the book.
I also post all reviews on, Barnes and Noble and
If you would like me to review your book or if you would be interested in doing an interview, guest post or giveaway please contact me at .
I look forward to hearing from you!